Highly concentrated render additive which is 25 times the strength of conventional render additives.
Triple action formula acts as a waterproofer, air entraining plasticiser and open time extender eliminating the need for separate waterproofing & plasticizing admixtures.
Everbuild 3 in 1 render additive forms extremely stable air bubbles in the render mix, Improves the workability of render giving it a buttery consistency
Helps prevent shrinkage, cracking, crazing and mild frost damage during the curing process, as well as providing long term resistance to freeze thaw cycles.
Also contains pore blocking additives to reduce water absorption and reduces the chance of efflorescence
Extends open time to enable large areas to be covered in one go.
Render Additive Benefits
- Concentrated formula 1Litre = 25 Litres of standard Additive.
- Easy to use gauged bottle.
- Improves water resistance of mortars.
- Plasticising agent improves workability
- Helps to reduce salt permeation.
- Extends open time of mortar mixes.
- Pool and tank linings
- Concrete, mortars and screeds.
- External renders.
- External pointing.
- Structures below ground level.
Product Limitations:
Do not exceed recommended dosage rate range and DO NOT overmix.
Not intended for structural concrete.
Shake bottle well before use push the lid downwards and twist anti-clockwise to remove.
Squeeze the sides of the bottle to fill the measuring cup to the required dose
20-40ml per 50kg of cement.
Add render additive to a bucket of water and stir well
use up to a maximum 10ltrs of water.
Dry mix all other ingredients and add sufficient quantities of water render mix solution until the desired consistency is achieved.
Never add this product directly to the dry mix, always let down into a portion of gauging water.