Cellu-Cushion® E Frostmat is a concrete curing blanket to be used on construction sites to cover and protect the concrete from the elements, whilst the concrete sets. This product can be particularly useful when temperatures are cold, as it can take longer for the concrete to set and therefore can cause delays on site.
The Cellu-Cushion® E Frostmat provides an effective solution to this problem. Cellu-Cushion® E Frostmat is a high performance foam material that is thermo-formable, impervious to most chemicals and performs consistently over a wide range of temperatures.
The lightweight material is easily handled and manoeuvred on-site and can be fabricated on site as required. Like all of Sealed Air’s polyethylene foams, Cellu-Cushion® E Frostmat is recyclable.
Key Features and Benefits
• 1.5m x 75m
• Excellent Strength
• Water Resistance Characteristics
• Lightweight
• Resilient
• Easily Fabricated On Site
• CFC and HCFC free
• Recyclable